2 poems

by DS Maolalai

a gleam of january

the breeze has a bit 

of ground glass-

dust thrown up in it. 

that gleam of november 

and january. catching the light 

and cutting your lungs up

when you breathe it in deep

while you stand 

on the balcony, 

watching the sun 

as it melts like a candle 

and flattens against 

the horizon, behind

chapolizod. november

and january vary a little – 

their colour, their quality

of light. and it's january

now, which is better

in ways – air burns 

like bummed cigarettes,

borrowed on a patio 

outside of a quiet-night bar. you cup

up your hands and you huff

on your fingers; the evening

a piano to be played. below, traffic goes – 

going home, going out 

toward the city. the headlights

all on and all beckoning 

that you should follow. the 9pm series

of breadcrumbs and pieces

of beerbottle, holding the light

with the tips of its fingers,

hanging it up like a coat. 

walls and fall backward

the mind climbs steel downpipes

and up toward the gutters; 

hopperheads perching, 

surveying their corners like cats – 

blackly shadowed and

lesser black skylines,

a point and a point of sharp

view. my mind touches raindrop-

wet, never-dry brickwork. 

it fingers to water-stained 

white painted walls, making grey 

maps of countrysides, 

pictures of human anatomy. 

the mind feels the walls 

of each sliced apart house: 

every kitchenette, single

bed, windowless shower 

room. sometimes, I think,

I could live in these moments; 

could sit on these walls 

and fall backward. and a yard

full of people putting smokes

out in flowerpots. and moss

on the ground, and a bicycle

somebody left. the comfort of rocks 

being dropped into place

by a river. there are slimes – 

types of algae – which grow in such places. 

if you put them in sunlight they die. 

DS Maolalai has been nominated nine times for Best of the Net and seven times for the Pushcart Prize. He has released two collections, "Love is Breaking Plates in the Garden" (Encircle Press, 2016) and "Sad Havoc Among the Birds" (Turas Press, 2019). His third collection, "Noble Rot" is scheduled for release in April 2022.




“land for sale”