
by Nia Harries

Here it is, peeking around the corner,


Feelings, longings, long forgotten.

Tucked away in a corner of my mind,

a fortress against hurt, against feeling too much.

Your touch seeps into my very soul, 

thawing me gently, startling me with its intensity.

I didn’t expect you.

Yet we allow our hearts to tumble together,

trusting, hoping.

Holding back and pushing forward all at once, 

a strange dance that we haven’t quite learned, 

and yet it feels joyous to move.

A timid step towards the unfurling 

of a heart I hadn’t realized I was guarding. 

Like a bloom opening slowly in springtime,

reaching up and out 

for the warmth of the sun;

I too reach, 

and there you are. 

Originally from rural Wales, Nia Harries has lived in East Yorkshire the past 6 ½ years. A single mother and occasional blogger, her self-published collection ‘Walking through the shadows’ was published in 2017 and she is working on her second collection currently. She has featured in the High Wolds Poetry Festival and accompanying collections, and also appeared in The Amphibian Literary Journal. 

Blog: niaharries.wordpress.com 

Twitter: @niaharries1  


Facebook: realniaharries  


“something is waiting to hatch”


2 poems