“land for sale”

by Sam Calhoun

They're cutting down the orchard.

I watch the sawed branches snap like fire. 

Where the tattered sun shade hangs

the wrens made a home.  

How we visited in spring like sky larks.

How the pink blooms filled the sky.

Passing, as the sun lifts on its carousel,

the whole sky aglow pink, just for a minute, 

and then the rain.

Sam Calhoun is a writer and photographer living in Elkmont, AL. He is the author of one chapbook, “Follow This Creek” (Foothills Publishing). His poems have appeared in Pregnant Moon Review, Westward Quarterly, Offerings, Waterways, and other journals. Follow him on Instagram @weatherman_sam or weathermansam.com


2 poems


“A Few Lines Composed while You were Talking”