“Zeus’ Garden”

by Amir Deen

He tended toward walking through the garden in old 

Age. Strong yet strange in his growing lack of certainty

Servants no longer pleased him in recent days -

Days that seemed no different than those passed.

Hitherto he was a divine despot,

An antihero of a different path

Pleading with himself for a new development

In the story. 

The man would sit next to his fountain

Wade his hand through the water 

And try not to recognize the reflection

He saw. So he grabbed his bronze

Discus and dropped it like a dish.

Scanned the water until he 

Found his face and said:

“I wish to forget the reflection of that man,

For I intend to be something much different.”

Amir Deen lives in San Diego and has a Bachelor’s degree in Literature and Writing.


“Pineapple Stain”


“A February Forcing”