
by Hiram Larew

Remember that

I peeked through the group kitchen’s door

That was ajar like memory

And saw you carrying 

Trays of tortillas 

To the oven  

You looked up for a split second

But were busy

Years from now

When you’re my age

And the tortillas are youngsters

Remember that I looked in 

For just a blink

Before the door closed

And then went into another room

As you will someday

Founder of Poetry X Hunger: Bringing a World of Poets to the Anti-Hunger Cause, Hiram Larew has had poems appear in recent issues of ZiN Daily, Contemporary American Voices, The Iowa Review and Poetry Scotland's Gallus.  His most recent collection, Patchy Ways, was published by CyberWit Press in 2023.   


the girls we were


roller skates