writing cranks a grinder and feeds the movement

by Karen Walker

A woman cranks a grinder and feeds the moon. A wonder cranks a grinder and feeds the morale. A woodland cranks a grinder, feeds morality. A wool cranks a grinder on a winter morning. Feeds porridge. A word cranks a grinder and also feeds mortality. A worker cranks a grinder to feed the mortgage. Bigger, a workforce cranks a grinder and feeds the corporate mosaic. Smaller, a workstation cranks a grinder and tries to feed the motivation. A worm cranks a grinder and, falling victim, feeds the motor. A worry cranks a grinder and, distracted, feeds the motorway on the way home. Tragic. A worship cranks a grinder, feeds mankind into a mould. A wrist cranks a grinder, feeds it another helpless mouse. A writer cranks a grinder and feeds the mouth. Bigger still, writing cranks a grinder and feeds the movement.

Karen Walker writes in a low Canadian basement. Her work is in or forthcoming in A Thin Slice of AnxietyBullshit LitThe Bear Creek GazetteBlank Spaces, Janus Literary, Atlantic Northeast Magazineminiskirt mag, and others. She/her. @MeKawalker883 

Art Inspiration: Celestial Pablum by Remedios Varo (1958)




we have survived winter before