wreck life
by Jude Marr
at ocean’s surface, spinning buoys signal
their distress: as ocean’s aspect alters—sullen chop
agitating against rocks, water bottles bobbing at the feet
of piers—wreck life endures
matter—manifest of deep-sea creatures—mixes
to mulch: snapped
masts and crusted funnels grow as cuttings grow, grafted
at life’s socket: an ancient rope, hempen
and heavy, hangs suspended in dense water, waiting
for the seahorse, yellow as a child’s imagined
sun, to anchor, tail as hook, and graze
snout down
above a rumpled ocean bed
among the reefs and rocks
plankton are less these days, not yet
scarce as toilet roll pre-hurricane, but winnowed: while
each seahorse vacuums, snout intent, polythene
packaging with a picture of a shrimp
drifts past
carried by currents warmer than a dying planet’s final
Jude Marr (they, them) is a Pushcart-nominated nonbinary poet. Jude’s full-length collection, We Know Each Other By Our Wounds, came out from Animal Heart Press in 2020 and they also have a chapbook, Breakfast for the Birds, published by Finishing Line Press in 2017. Their work has appeared in many journals in the US, the UK, and beyond. A native Scot, Jude recently returned to live in the UK after 10 years of teaching, writing, and learning in the US. The transatlantic connection remains strong, however: Jude is on the masthead at Animal Heart Press and they will be a Poet in Pajamas for Sundress Press in June 2022.