why to climb to pyramid point

by Matthew Miller

To seek seclusion in descent, to leave 

the dune’s peak crowded 

with fiddleheads and leeks. To step into 

your own shadow, unrolling 

a slow cascade of sand around your ankles. 

To know a place where ancients said 

earth and heaven overlap, where you leap 

from cliffs and land soft. To bury the apple skin 

within the unbarked branch, so that the wind 

must send waves in a blazing gradient. 

To sit on the ridge of the drift, dumping grains

like sugar across the violets at your toes.

Matthew Miller teaches social studies, swings tennis rackets, and writes poetry - all hoping to create home. He and his wife live beside a dilapidating orchard in Indiana, where he tries to shape dead trees into playhouses for his four boys. His poetry has been featured in Whale Road Review, River Mouth Review, EcoTheo Review and Ekstasis Magazine.


midnight walks in when it’s nearly thirty below zero


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