white sky

by Dorothy Lune

No Christmas presents / natural disaster payment pending— / I tweeze glaciers & land from 3D to strong hold gel. / No Christmas tree / is like no dresses / aren't you bothered. / I'm playing hopscotch / skipping, hand holding— / capitalism lands in slaughter / it never existed / what are you on about. / All I need is open sky / all I have is open sky. 

In a past life we were 

penguins / you protected our 

eggs / we didn't celebrate 

Christmas / or we 

did / our eggs look like moons / 

there are plenty 

of moons / & these are 

our moons / I chewed 

my way out of misogyny / 

you love me 

after that / racks of 

snow / hold

collections / of love / 

poems. / I will mimic 

embarrassment / 

& you will see through it. 

Dorothy Lune is a Yorta Yorta poet, born in Australia. Her work has appeared in Pinhole Poetry & more. She is compiling a manuscript, can be found online @dorothylune, & has a substack: https://dorothylune.substack.com/  


the way she speaks


2 poems