“tied to the idea of the sun”

by Naomi

We pray to the sun, to all that comes with the knowledge of the days. 

Trying to write you down, describe and capture your worth of warmth, 

is a futile aim that one should not try. 

The heat has shown us the outcome of such days like these, as the foliage grows 

weary from the lack of promised rain. 

From underfoot, Irish salt sea aroma digs its way into the belly of the Burren, 

Unlike Sevilles heat - those burnt lost love letters between lands. 

They are at home there, placed in the foreign warm earth that welcomes.



Naomi is a degree holder in Business & Arts Management, & has been active on the poetry scene for many years. She regularly publishes poetry on her Facebook and Twitter page, ‘LiterallyWords’, which can be found at https://www.facebook.com/Literallyw0rds. She has been published by various papers, such as the Tealight Express in their 2021 May Issue, Star Sign issue and their Symmetry issue. Her work has also been published by the Magpie Review, Poetry in Bloom, in the 6th and 7th issue of Analogies and Allegories literary magazine, in the first issue of Tir Editors, the first issue of Wilder Lit, as well as in the Greystones Poetry Trail in 2020 and 2021. She is currently working on getting a collection of her poems published in the upcoming year.


“Ruskin and the Smoke Stacks”


“pretty glass frames”