the moon tonight is a large purple dragon

by Jonah Meyer


i want to bury deep into the world.

up to my nose in grass-leaves, earth roaring awful inside my belly, a tapestry 

of slow-falling raindrops to savor the splendor of smile upon lips.


what can be seen through such 

tender, generous eyes?

how is the song sung by wind on

her glorious foreverflow journey?

when night falls, the sun is

simply playing 



rhyme of the sea makes a poet.

sweet wine on the breath, a poet.

never a sentient being whose

innermost delicious thoughts

were not

(in fact)



the moon tonight is a 

large purple dragon.

yes our moon tonight, that brave 

lonely traveler, 

how she hang-glides amongst the stars,

spilling answers to questions of 

the ages ...

the poet tonight snug tight in her room, hair curling out into wondrous constellation, such incandescent waterflow flowing forth forever free.

the poet breathes in silence, but is 

not alone.

the poet tonight sips red wine,

chats it up in animation with 

the nightsky,

dreams connection.


the poet’s hands are rose petals,

deep orange silk.

her mind reveals small childplay.

somewhere, on a mountain, smashing poems eternal softly against such fantastic heavenly blue.

Jonah Meyer is a poet, writer and copyeditor based in North Carolina. His poetry and creative nonfiction has been published widely. Poetry Editor of Mud Season Review and Random Sample Review, Jonah seeks and celebrates the poetry of mountains and sea.


terrarium nights


after our daughter’s birth