the cloud

by Virginia Lake

My computer tutor tells me

My poems are in the cloud

I guess that means 

With everyone else’s poems 

Rent receipts

Grocery lists


Thomas Aquinas 

Father of moral philosophy

Who was canonized in 1308

First asked 

How many angels can dance

On the head of a pin?

That is a famous subject

Of theological debate.

I worry about the angels

Who dance

On the head of a pin

In the clouds

Where the angels live

How large is that pin?

Will there be enough

Room for my poems?

And the tutor has

Yet to explain

What about the rain?

Virginia Lake is a senior auditor at Portland State University. She audits literature and writing classes. In 2022 she published two poems in Old Pal Magazine. She was 77 years old. That was her first publication.


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