take a breath of fresh air

by Moriah Soriano

I want to ride the waves of the 

sea, fall off my surfboard

over and over and over and 

let the glassy sea 

catch me, embrace me wholesomely.

Though, if I swim back to the 

surface, I know, the water will 

accept me back. 

I want to drown my feet in the 

sand dunes, let mother nature 

kiss the bruises of my sadness. 

The grass on these sands

then sways to dance 

to the whispering 

sounds of the winds of chance. 

No, I don’t want to chase 

time, I don’t want to 

chase money – just want to submerge 

in the sublime that gave me.

Love so supreme better than 

you could ever give.

Moriah Soriano is an aspiring poet based in London. Her introduction to the world of adulthood forced her to have an existential introspection of the life she had pre-adolescence and the disquiet uncertainty of her future. This propels her to bleed those emotions into words as she navigates life with poetry on the passenger seat.


beyond the bookcase


waiting for hummingbirds