by Ayelet Amittay
If speech survives
a courtroom, unstruck
from the record, it is
broken, coded
as abbreviation: 22
keys, a ticker tape of white
margin space, no man’s
land where letters stand for
pause, punctuation
S T PH = question
mark in a topography
of neighbor keys. Your Honor,
may I approach
the bench to stand before the court
reporter, beg an alternate
ending? <Question> Surely
some repair can come to
this interstitial
missing consonants missing
I and why.
Ayelet Amittay is a poet and nurse practitioner in Oregon. Her poems have recently appeared in Tupelo Quarterly, Michigan Quarterly Review, Whale Road Review, and others. She has received fellowships from the Yiddish Book Center and the Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing.