practical jokes enacted by the universe

by Ellen Clayton


Grandad loved snow

and solitude.

On the day of his funeral

I imagined his wry smile

as the thickest snow I’d ever seen

blanketed the earth.

The only people able to get to the

service were those of us 

close enough to brave the journey,

amidst December’s icy hush 

and deadly 

quiet roads. 

I saw a robin, proud

and unruffled

I felt its significance

shepherding our sombre

band of mourners (all descendants)

to safety. 

The service was less populated

than he deserved

but more stately somehow —

a beauty and dignity appropriate 

to the 90 years he graced earth 


It was a fitting end. 


There was a power cut in the 

hospital, while my Dad was

in surgery having a 

triple heart bypass. 

Our tense, interminable wait 

suddenly had an added edge

of peril. While emergency

lights flashed around the room 

and alarms blared 

my sisters and I stared

at each other in shock

Wondering how to hold

the frayed edges of Mum 

together with this farcical,


twist of fate. 

I mumbled about back-up 

generators but felt I was 

exacerbating the panic —

instead we sat in silence

staring about the room

watching staff members

rushing and conducting 

strained, hushed 


A doomed montage played

on loop in my brain


after a few minutes

my sister noticed  

the alarm only seemed to be

in our particular section

of the building:

an epicentre of anxiety.

We left our chosen waiting spot


to discover

a steady, persistent light.

The scales of fate tipped back

in Dad’s favour; 

our family’s flame 

could not be extinguished 

so easily. 

Ellen Clayton is a poet from Suffolk, England, where she lives with her husband and three young children. Her poetry has been published in various online and print publications, including Capsule Stories, Nightingale & Sparrow and Anti-Heroin Chic. She has work forthcoming with Brave Voices magazine and Gutslut Press and her debut chapbook, Home-Baked, will be published in April 2022 by Bent Key Publishing. More of her work can be found on Instagram @ellen_writes_poems. 


photograph, farm wife, circa 1930

