murmurations of starlings

by Terri McCord

“the most subtle spooking will do it, a dog’s bark, the slam of a car door down the street”

Nautilus Magazine, March 4, 2020

To delight in the scattering

a heavy sea spray

a funneled sky ash

an old-time amusement

park ride

The covetousness in the blue

tearings and mendings

above us

the quick repatternings

Possibly 100,000 in a winter flock

To start, too,

at the slightest wind-shift

Feel the air grapple with birds

A South Carolina Arts Commission literary fellowship recipient, Terri McCord has work forthcoming from Lucky Jefferson, Panoply, Orchard Poetry Review, Slippery Elm Literary Journal, Black Lily, and Coast Lines Anthology.




instructions for staying put