lingyin temple

by Nicole Callräm

each stone step touched – the 

plants decomposing swelling warm 

every drop of blood is light 

infused. you stayed back eyes on 

incense thick forests quiet as the 

carved wood – cool red dirt right 

below your still feet, I drop your hand 

go higher up my soul by my side 

a soothing secret sense of 

smoky solitude I think of your 

slumber blissed face 

heated waters of the 

dream pools moss light 

tree bark cool damp on 

my palm – leaf colored fish swirl in the 

seafoam waters the Buddha’s 

half smile resting on my eyelids

Golden shovel from Jean Valentine’s “Happiness (3)”

Nicole Callräm (she/her/她) is a nomadic bureaucrat and disciple of existence in each of its confusing manifestations. She adores rideshare bikes, red wine, and Osmanthus flowers (preferably a mix of the three...all at once). Nicole has been published in Full House Literary, Anti-Heroin Chic, Kissing Dynamite, and Rat's Ass Review. You can find her on Twitter at @YiminNicole.


fish hooks & cut paper

