in the room with dust specks, flirting

by Spencer Folkins

an endless twirl of ascension
amidst the sunlight beam
like millions of tiny stars
held in a vacuum space, breathless or else

settled on a windowsill to collect, accumulate, wait
to be busted or used
as the canvas for some future young visitors’
childish artistic fingers, except

no visitors today and none expected
in the near nor distant future, if the current occupant
could hope to last so long despite

his waking hours and nights, continually persisting and
lonely, filled with a haunting, hollow
echo resounding from the past

attempting to remind him
of what never happened;
what never was

Spencer Folkins (he/him) has served on the Writers' Federation of New Brunswick's Board of Directors and on the Editorial Board for The Fiddlehead. Writing has appeared or is forthcoming in/on Riddle Fence, Feels Zine, Qwerty, FreeFall, HA&L Magazine, and elsewhere. Spencer is a recent graduate of St. Thomas University's School of Education (B.Ed. 2021). Tweets @FolkinsSpencer




my body is a house in winter