grandma’s garden on sundays

by Sarah Robin

Creased, aged hands grasp the watering can with hers, contrastingly small yet strong 

With youth, lifting the weight of the water before letting it drip down onto the earth;

Feeding the seeds that will grow and produce; a creation of new life.

Patience, love and care provides results before long;

Balls of green brightens the soil, the colour of hope and the birth 

Of flowers for all to enjoy, for us and the wildlife.

Every Sunday the grandchildren visit they see inches of new growth. Excitement, 

Joy and wonder bursts out of the girls, crowding around in awe and pride. 

Their work and dedication materialise steadily, buds start to form

And hints of colour give some indication of the beauty to come, anticipation heightened. 

A week later the children kneel on the ground, lean over to take a closer look, eyes wide. 

The flowers now fully open, smudges of red, yellow and orange, the colours warm. 

Bees bury themselves into the silk cups, buzzing back and forth, weaving between 

Bushes and over fences, returning for more. Butterflies circle in the air, momentarily 

Landing in various places, wings like a painting without a frame; as if the paint could 

Run off their wings into the depths of the green, green

Grass below. Spiders weave webs between the plants, silvery 

Threads intertwined in intricate designs. Worms dig down into the mud. 

Grandma brings out jelly and ice-cream - a classic favourite. Different generations

Bask in the sun, calm and contented; silent in joint appreciation of their surroundings

And good company, just the sound of spoons hitting the bottom of bowls amongst the sway

Of the branches in the gentle breeze - nobody could wish for a better location. 

Spending valuable time with family creating precious memories all year round;

There’s nowhere I’d rather be than in Grandma’s garden on Sundays. 

Sarah Robin is a new writer from Bolton in northwest England, only starting her writing journey during the coronavirus pandemic. She uses past and present experiences as inspiration for her work and likes to focus on conveying emotion and being ‘in the moment’. Robin has had several pieces of work published in anthologies and online literary magazines as well as being a competition winner for both short fiction and poetry. She is also the Secretary of the Lancashire Authors’ Association. 


a brief summing up


what you built