ghostly sick / yellow memories

by Rachel Orta

Street light lined sidewalks 

Sunset rolls into dusk 

Flicker of iridescence 

Unnoticed by most 

Light will not let itself 

Be forgotten; 

As for ghosts – 

Young children wear 

Dandelion crowns 

Atop pixie cut heads 

Polka dot dresses 

Autumn leaf foolishness 

Lemonade mixed from 

A frosted can 

I thought Sunflowers were 

Everyone’s favorite 

Until after you were dead 

I’ll no longer 

Stomach yellow 

Touching my skin 

After watching yours 

Turn jaundice and thin

Rachel Orta is from Milwaukee, Wisconsin where she lives with her spouse and her dog Mumford. She gravitates towards dream-like themes, often inspired by nature and music. Along with poetry and flash fiction, she enjoys walks with her pup, cold brew coffee, and lately, Maggie Rogers' latest album. Orta’s writing has appeared in Limelight Review and The Aurora Journal.


and the rains fall

