ghost of you

by Jenny Turnbull

The ghost of you

is everywhere.

Floating through the fog

like photographs

razor sharp edges

that cut.

Sitting on empty corners in the coarse sea air

thrashing salt on open wounds

forever ahead of me

out of reach

looking back.

How did the days turn into years and back to days

that ended.

Our sand ran out.

Your ghost leads me to the ocean 

our memories drift there with the current

determined light fights through the fog 

and finds me.

A subtle wave of peace

your ghost sent me in the breeze


you’ve found that better place

a slate pure and clear

of memory

endless sand

not haunted

by the ghost 

of me.

Jenny Turnbull is a KidLit author who also writes poetry. Her debut picture book is forthcoming from Crown Children's/Penguin Random House in 2024. Jenny left a career in film and television to pursue her passion for creative writing and has never looked back. Jenny was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA and now lives seaside in Los Angeles with her husband and Westie. Follow her on Twitter @JennyTwrites




prejudice and life