everywhere at once

by Thad DeVassie

after Mark Strand

To outsiders and onlookers, it is called indecisiveness. 

But this affliction has a proper name:

The Creative Death Spiral. She says 

“Maybe I should paint the sky, not write about it...” 

She abandons words for paint, gazing at a blank canvas. 

“Perhaps I should just write about the sky instead...”

She resumes staring at a blank page until stumbling 

upon a death spiral hack where she goes outside, looks up  

at the sky, and sees poetry and art intermingling, 

all of it and herself, everywhere at once. 

Thad DeVassie is a multi-genre writer and painter who creates from the outskirts of Columbus, Ohio. He was awarded the James Tate International Poetry Prize in 2020 for his collection, SPLENDID IRRATIONALITIES (SurVision Books). Find his words and paintings online @thaddevassie.


national grief quotient experiences exponential growth


2 poems