“Days That Never Came” and “You Are Vast”

by Dadyar Vakili

Days That Never Came

Time went wrong:

The past caught up with the present

and altered the future,

forcing you to

Give me up,

And I became the

Boy who stopped waiting.

Time went wrong.

And this how it ended:  you, me and

days that never came.

You are vast

as rainfall

and all sorrows are merely
a drop

winters come and plenty do they


Flowers die with the frost

I want to plant an

Eternal spring in my garden


to grow

to bloom

to sweeten the air with your scent

to enchant 


Rumi’s mysticism

Shakespeare’s sonnets

Vermeer’s strokes

Chopin’s Sonatas

orchestrating my beats into a symphony

skipping and sweeping to the melody

of your laughter


to how it sings of me being only

two branches


to embrace you

a Forest

two branches withering with shyness

growing roots so to bloom

and reach

a glance, a moment, a quantum of a thought


are purest gold

your eyes alchemy 

Your fantasy sweeter than honey,

as home as a hug.

Dadyar Vakili graduated from CSUSM and is an actor and filmmaker. His poetry collection Days That Never Came was published in 2020. He is the founder of 519 Film Studios and is currently involved with several film projects.


“What Shuts Them Up”

