cozy writer

by Ali Beauregard

I can hear the nib of your pen screeching

against the page. your pen exudes dark 

scrawls: the scratching of your pen 

breaking the tranquility of your mind.

yellowed pages, stained with drops of 

coffee. little magnolias and blossoms 

growing out of the white vase, paint

peeling off. and you grab for the tart, 

the sugar sinking into your hands as 

the viscous jam appears on the tip of

your rosy lips, dripping like clots of 

blood. then you grab for the fruit 

and viciously delight on its sweet flesh

as the seeds sprout new ideas, and sparks

your mind & you write once more: 

words flowing like the tributaries seen afar.

Ali Beauregard (they/them) is a queer creative based in the U.K. Their work tackles universal themes like heartbreak, teenage angst and pain, diaspora, and the erasure of BIPOC+ voices in history — through powerful, raw, and sacrilegious ways. Find more about their work here:




a kitchen