
by Riley Monahan

Crisp, clean, almost minty.

Our arrival here smells of dewy mountains and lush green,

of endless space.

Three days in and I’ve forgotten how it feels

to breathe any other kind of air, 

my lungs accustomed to the clearing, pupils dilated,

nostrils fresh.

Snow falls off the peak, gracefully preparing for a new spring,

I feel that way here too.

Letting go of all things past and polluted; 

exhale cloudy, crowded, dense,

inhale crisp, clean, mint.

Riley Monohan hails from Queensland, Australia with a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work. She is employed in a non-profit organization supporting people living with disabilities and mental health. Some of her favorite things are the beach, breakfast for dinner, reading, and her dog, Ringo. Riley is currently undergoing postgraduate study in creative writing and hopes to one day be a published author. 


“Playing Dead” and “Zelda Fitzgerald: Dear Scott”


“Ruskin and the Smoke Stacks”