“circus act”

by Julie Stevens

I can skate when these legs work

dare myself to somersault over your hedge.

Give life-changing news. You’re happy now. 

Make clothes that shape me a billion years younger.

Rub two sticks together. Toast marshmallows,

let them spin and drop fire on my tongue.

Extend the hours. You’ve got time now.

Ride a bicycle. Sprint to swallow your deadline.

I bake cakes. Pretend it’s my birthday.

Invite the town. Throw a javelin faster

than that hurtling train. Believe it.

Make a meal with one hand and the world can eat.

Plan a trip to Jupiter and start selling tickets.

When my legs don’t work, I swallow glass.

Julie Stevens writes poems that cover many themes, but often engages with the problems of disability. Her poems have recently been published in Fly on the Wall Press, Ink Sweat & Tears, Dear Reader and Café Writers. Her winning Stickleback pamphlet Balancing Act was published by The Hedgehog Poetry Press (June 2021) and her chapbook Quicksand by Dreich (Sept 2020). 

Website: www.jumpingjulespoetry.com

Twitter @julesjumping


“my Polonius”


“to float”