carrying the weight

by Dylan Parkin

The sun-cracked snow,

A Grecian marble statue bent with light and time.

The sky’s a canvas flecked 

With dark and flying souls.

There’s freedom in the air

But still they weigh it down. 

Sleep is still unstirred, 

As the light is yet to reach

The splattered thoughts 

Of the day before.

But the rising of the sun’s the melting of a dream.

Another weight that finds its way.

Watercolours shape the world

And everything echoes another.

It’s seen in the pale frailties 

That pass between faces.

The sky is carried like a coffin.

No pity for the pallbearer.

Dylan Parkin (he/him) is an autistic creative currently based in Reading, UK. He can be found on Twitter @parkin1901.


3 poems


adventure dog