
by Helen Openshaw

I let the feeling sit beside me;

A strange companion on a train.

The edges ooze as I decide if I can

Take this journey, or slide,

Suffocating into its folds.

The energy in the room changes,

Crackles, fills.

I shift to accommodate it,

Lean in to the pillow warmth of it,

Let the percussion of chatter soothe.

Helen Openshaw is a Drama and English teacher, from Cumbria. She enjoys writing poetry and plays and inspiring her students to write. Helen has had a short monologue commissioned by Knock and Nash productions. Recently published and upcoming poetry work in Secret Chords by Folklore publishing, Green Ink Poetry magazine, Words and Whispers magazine, The Madrigal, Fragmented Voices, Loft Books and The Dirigible Balloon magazine.




“angry gods”