an angel flies over

by Mark J. Mitchell

You think — at first — it’s a wind

battering trees at sunset.

Or perhaps an airplane, lower

than usual on a flightpath by moonlight.

But it is his wide wing,

enfolding a weary, guilty earth.

You cannot hide from it.

Mark J. Mitchell has worked in hospital kitchens, fast food, retail wine and spirits, conventions, tourism, and warehouses. He has also been a working poet for almost 50 years. An award-winning poet, he is the author of five full-length poetry collections and six chapbooks. His latest collection is Something To Be from Pski’s Porch Publishing. He is very fond of baseball, Louis Aragon, Miles Davis, Kafka, Dante, and his wife – activist and documentarian, Joan Juster. He lives in San Francisco, where he once made his marginal living pointing out pretty things. Now, he is seeking work once again.


wishing through the night


frutti de mare