3 poems

by Mykyta Ryzhykh

The bush is devoid of all berries

Autumn is now stripping off the leaves too

The future is uncertain

By dying like the first time you teach me to feel sorry for you

A cry torn off by the wind is carried away leaving a silent emptiness

I don’t know how to feel sorry for you because you are indifferent to my regrets

Death is just a surprise box that you finally gave me

This is your first gift to me

This is the last gift

I grab the tree but its branches don't care

I'm walking through the cemetery looking for life

I cry about the living because the 

dead are indifferent to everything

I don't find anyone alive anywhere in this world

Only photographs on graves speak to me of love

Mykyta Ryzhykh has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and published in Dzvin, Dnipro, Bukovinian magazine, Polutona, Tipton Poetry Journal, Stone Poetry Journal, and others. 


point of view


reed canes